Why You Should Get a Sports Physical


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Every sports athlete should undergo a sports physical at least once a year. A sports physical is a great opportunity to rule out underlying health issues, as well as assess current fitness levels and readiness for competition. In addition, it can help to determine if you're still growing or if your current size is inappropriate. If you have a history of injuries or health problems, you should check here and discuss these issues with the sports physical provider. Your physical can also help you determine if participation in certain sports is safe for you.

Many athletic leagues and schools require sports physicals for athletes, and it's good to be aware of medical concerns in your child. A sports physical can identify injury risks and suggest ways to avoid them. While you're waiting for your child to be cleared to play a sport, you can go to your neighborhood health center, MedExpress. This clinic offers X-rays on site and a full medical staff. It also offers preventative care recommendations.

A sports physical starts similar to your annual checkup. Your physician will check your height and weight to make sure you're in good physical shape for the activity you're interested in. Additionally, your physician will check your vitals, including your pulse, blood pressure, and breathing. Abnormalities in your heart or blood pressure can impact your safety. Your physician will also perform an eye exam to determine if you need corrective lenses. This exam is particularly important because your vision is vital to your ability to react to your environment and maintain your safety.

After completing the physical, you may still be able to play the sport you love. In some cases, though, your doctor may prescribe you medicine or schedule follow-up exams to assess the condition of your body. In these cases, you may be advised to visit a sports physical specialist before a season of competition starts. You can also seek treatment before a game to correct the problem before it develops into a serious injury. If you're concerned about your child's health, you may want to schedule him or her for a sports physical at https://www.dukecityurgentcare.com/sports-physical/ as soon as possible.

Most states require student athletes to complete a sports physical. Non-student athletes, like those who play club or recreational sports, may need a sports physical as well. Typically, these exams are required six weeks before the season begins so that you can make an appointment. If you're unsure about when your child needs a sports physical, you can check with your school or coach. They can guide you through the process. And don't worry if your child has a schedule conflict!

It's important to remember that while a sports physical should not prevent a child from participating in a certain sport, it can help them stay healthy and happy. Your child's medical condition is also one of the most important aspects of a sports physical. If you're concerned that your child might get injured, a sports physical may be the only way to determine whether your child can play at all. But even if your child has an injury, a sports physical is still a good idea regardless. Find out more details in relation to this topic here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/medicine/divisions-diagnostics-and-procedures/medicine/sports-medicine.